Mom Dies, Children Write Brutally Honest Obituary Saying They’re Glad
Mom Dies, Children Write Brutally Honest Obituary Saying They’re Glad from



Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate your mother’s unconditional love and sacrifices. However, the first Mother’s Day after your mom dies can be an emotional and challenging experience. Coping with the loss of a loved one is never easy, and Mother’s Day can bring up feelings of grief, sadness, and longing. In this article, we will discuss how to navigate the first Mother’s Day after your mom dies in 2023.

The Importance of Acknowledging Your Feelings

It is okay to feel sad, angry, or confused on the first Mother’s Day without your mom. These feelings are natural and part of the grieving process. Acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to feel them. Don’t try to suppress or ignore them. It is essential to give yourself time and space to grieve.

Ways to Honor Your Mom on Mother’s Day

Although your mom is no longer physically present, you can still honor her memory on Mother’s Day. Here are some ways to celebrate her life:

1. Visit her favorite place and spend some time reflecting on your memories together

2. Light a candle and say a prayer or a few words in her memory

3. Cook her favorite meal or bake her favorite dessert

4. Create a scrapbook or photo album of your favorite memories with her

5. Donate to a charity in her honor

Dealing with Social Media

Social media can be overwhelming on Mother’s Day. You may see posts from friends and family celebrating their moms, which can trigger feelings of sadness or envy. It is okay to take a break from social media on this day. You can also unfollow or mute people who post triggering content.

How to Respond to Well-Wishers

People may offer their condolences and well wishes on Mother’s Day. It is up to you how to respond. You can thank them and share a fond memory of your mom or politely decline to talk about it. Remember, it is okay to set boundaries and take care of yourself.

Question and Answer

Q: What if I don’t feel like celebrating Mother’s Day at all?

A: That is perfectly okay. Everyone grieves differently, and if you don’t feel like celebrating, you don’t have to. Take care of yourself and do what feels right for you.

Q: How can I include my mom in my Mother’s Day celebration?

A: You can honor your mom’s memory by doing something she enjoyed or creating a tribute in her honor. You can also share stories and memories with your family and friends.

Q: Will it ever get easier?

A: Grief is a journey, and everyone’s path is different. While the pain may never fully go away, it will become more manageable over time. Remember to take care of yourself and seek support when you need it.


The first Mother’s Day after your mom dies can be a difficult time. It is essential to acknowledge your feelings, honor your mom’s memory, and take care of yourself. Remember that you are not alone, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve.

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