History of Mother’s Day Origin of Mother’s Day Celebration ProFlowers
History of Mother’s Day Origin of Mother’s Day Celebration ProFlowers from www.proflowers.com

Mother’s Day Celebrations Around the World in 2023


Mother’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate the love, care, and sacrifices of mothers all over the world. While the date of celebration may vary from country to country, the essence of the occasion remains the same. In this article, we will take a look at how Mother’s Day is celebrated in different countries around the world in 2023.


In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is a day to honor mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures for their significant contributions to society. People usually give gifts, cards, and flowers to their mothers to show their love and appreciation. Mother’s Day is also a busy day for restaurants, as families often go out to eat to celebrate the occasion.


In the United Kingdom, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as Mothering Sunday. Originally, it was a Christian tradition to visit the mother church on this day, but it has now become a secular celebration of mothers. People usually give cards, flowers, and gifts to their mothers, and some families also have a special meal together.


In India, Mother’s Day is not a traditional celebration, but it has gained popularity in recent years. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, similar to the United States. People usually give gifts, cards, and flowers to their mothers, and some families also prepare special meals or take their mothers out for a meal.


In Japan, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, similar to the United States. However, the occasion is not as commercialized as it is in other countries. People usually give carnations to their mothers to show their love and appreciation, and some families also have a special meal together.

Question & Answer

Q: Are there any other countries that celebrate Mother’s Day?

A: Yes, many other countries also celebrate Mother’s Day, including Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil.

Q: What is the history of Mother’s Day?

A: The modern celebration of Mother’s Day dates back to the early 20th century in the United States, but the tradition of honoring mothers has been around since ancient times. In ancient Greece, the mother goddess Rhea was honored with a festival, and in ancient Rome, a similar festival was held to honor the mother goddess Cybele. The tradition of Mother’s Day as we know it today was started by Anna Jarvis, who campaigned for a day to honor mothers after her own mother passed away.


Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor the love and sacrifice of mothers all over the world. While the date of celebration may vary from country to country, the essence of the occasion remains the same. We hope this article has given you a glimpse into how Mother’s Day is celebrated in different countries around the world in 2023.

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