Mother's Day History Why We Celebrate Mom In May
Mother's Day History Why We Celebrate Mom In May from


Mother’s Day is a special day that is celebrated worldwide to honor and show appreciation to mothers. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May. This year, Mother’s Day falls on May 12, 2023. It is a day to celebrate the love, care, and sacrifice of mothers who have dedicated their lives to nurturing and raising their children.

History of Mother’s Day

The history of Mother’s Day dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, where they celebrated mother goddesses. However, the modern-day celebration of Mother’s Day started in the United States in the early 20th century. Anna Jarvis is credited with starting the tradition of Mother’s Day in the US in 1908. She wanted to honor her mother who had passed away, and since then, the tradition has spread worldwide.

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day

There are many ways to celebrate Mother’s Day, and it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. You can start by sending your mom a heartfelt message or greeting card. You can also cook her favorite meal, take her out for a special brunch, or give her a thoughtful gift. Spending quality time with your mom is the best gift you can give her.

Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

If you’re looking for gift ideas for Mother’s Day, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can give her a personalized photo album, a piece of jewelry, a spa day, or a subscription to her favorite magazine. You can also gift her a plant or flowers if she loves gardening.

Mother’s Day Quotes

If you’re struggling to express your feelings in words, you can always use quotes to convey your emotions. Some of the popular Mother’s Day quotes include “A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible” by Marion C. Garretty and “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers” by Rudyard Kipling.

Mother’s Day Activities

There are many fun activities that you can do with your mom on Mother’s Day. You can go on a picnic, take a walk in the park, watch a movie, or go shopping. You can also plan a family game night or a baking session.

Mother’s Day Crafts

If you’re looking for a creative way to celebrate Mother’s Day, you can make a DIY gift or craft. You can create a scrapbook, make a handmade card, or paint a picture. You can also create a personalized photo frame or a jewelry box.

Mother’s Day Songs

Music is a universal language, and it can express emotions in a way that words cannot. There are many beautiful songs that you can dedicate to your mom on Mother’s Day. Some of the popular Mother’s Day songs include “A Song for Mama” by Boyz II Men and “Dear Mama” by Tupac Shakur.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is Mother’s Day celebrated? A: Mother’s Day is celebrated to honor and show appreciation to mothers for their love, care, and sacrifice. Q: When is Mother’s Day celebrated? A: Mother’s Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May. Q: What are some gift ideas for Mother’s Day? A: Some gift ideas for Mother’s Day include a personalized photo album, a piece of jewelry, a spa day, or a subscription to her favorite magazine. Q: What are some activities that can be done on Mother’s Day? A: Some activities that can be done on Mother’s Day include going on a picnic, taking a walk in the park, watching a movie, or going shopping.


Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the love and sacrifice of mothers. It is a day to show appreciation and gratitude to the person who has dedicated their life to raising and nurturing their children. Whether you’re celebrating with your mom or someone who has been like a mom to you, make sure to make it a memorable day.

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