2023 Mother’s Day Date and Time, 2023 Mother’s Day Festival Schedule
2023 Mother’s Day Date and Time, 2023 Mother’s Day Festival Schedule from www.festivalsdatetime.co.in

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Mother’s Day is a special day celebrated annually to honor and appreciate all mothers worldwide. This day has a long and fascinating history that dates back to ancient times. In this article, we will explore the origin of Mother’s Day and how it has evolved over the years.

Ancient Times

The ancient Greeks and Romans celebrated a mother goddess, Rhea and Cybele, with spring festivals. The tradition of honoring motherhood continued in the Christian era, with the fourth Sunday of Lent being celebrated as Mothering Sunday in the UK.

Anna Jarvis and Modern Mother’s Day

Anna Jarvis, an American social activist, is credited with establishing Modern Mother’s Day. She organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in 1908, in honor of her mother, who was a peace activist during the Civil War.

How is Mother’s Day Celebrated Today?

Mother’s Day is celebrated differently worldwide, with many countries having their traditions. In the US, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, and people often give gifts, cards, and flowers to their mothers. In the UK, Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, and people often give Simnel cake to their mothers.

Question & Answer

Q: When is Mother’s Day in 2023?

A: Mother’s Day 2023 will be celebrated on Sunday, May 14th.

Q: How did Mother’s Day become an official holiday?

A: Anna Jarvis campaigned for years to have Mother’s Day recognized as an official holiday. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation making Mother’s Day an official holiday in the United States.


The history of Mother’s Day is long and fascinating, and it continues to be celebrated worldwide. It is a special day to honor and appreciate all mothers and the sacrifices they make for their families. So, let us celebrate and cherish our mothers on this special day! Mother's Day

Image Source: Unsplash

Mother and daughter

Image Source: Unsplash

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